
VOLTAGE...the setting

i have now completed 2 fashion shows in my career. in some ways i feel like a fish out of water and when i feel even the slightest bit uncertain of myself, i tend to over-do things... particularly when it comes to preparations. (this is something that i get from my mother) this is the box that i dropped off at first ave before the show last friday. as i mentioned before, i simply had to hand off my work and the stylist would do the rest. of course i needed to make sure they knew my intentions, so i included an image of the outfit & jewelry on each box ... control-freak? maybe a little...
it was fun to see the pre-show preparations and the empty venue. i had never been to a voltage show before, so i didn't know exactly what to expect. i particularly enjoyed seeing glimpses of the way the operation was organized. hair and make-up stations were busy preparing model after model. each clothing designer was given a specific hair style and all 10 models were styled the same way. arwyn's models had their hair down, with a braided band of hair right at their hair-line and then a hat. ivan idland's models had these black ribbons that wrapped their heads, emily weich's models had netting for headbands, amanda christine's models' hair was ratted and adorned with colorful flowers ... on and on and very cool!

the show started at 9pm and it (essentially) ran in 30 minute segments. one band would play an average of 4 songs: the models for one designer would start walking at the start of the second song. there would be a brief dimming of the lights between the first and second designers and then the second designer's models would walk. by the time the band was on their last song, all of the models would make their final walk followed by the designer. then the band would come out and walk the runway with the designer who outfitted them. there would be a short intermission (with house music playing to keep the energy up) and then the next band would start and the system would start all over again. this process was repeated at total of 5 times that night. pretty cool concept and very fun ... the place was PACKED!
when each person entered, they received their very own look book for/from the 2009 show that featured each band & band designer and each clothing designer first in a "group" photo on the first page and then again on their individual pages. at the back of the book, there were photos of all of the voltage committee, the stylists, the design panel and web design & development team as well as a list of local shops where items & music could be purchased. it is meant to be a resource for local fashion & music and something that you save...

this is arwyn's page and an example of the spread that each designer was given: huge name, a photo, bio, website and a professional fashion photo that was taken months ago (which was fun to be a part of.) my name & website is listed on the page under jewelry. i love the way my jewelry reads in the photo!
right when the doors opened, my friends and i parked ourselves at the end of the runway - and were able to sit on a half wall next to the ramp that leads to the main floor. the perfect place, right? above the main floor just enough to see over the sea of heads, a place to sit so our feet don't ache and an aisle next to us to keep us from getting crowded-in..... it was a great place to be - until this tall, broad-shouldered guy - with a hat on his big head came and stood right in front of us! no kidding. i have Z.E.R.O good pictures from the show ... thank goodness i met a photographer nearby who did take some good shots - so that i can share them with you in my next posts!


PropTart said...

I heard your jewelry looked FABULOUS! Congratulations!

silvercocoon said...

thanks, BROOKE!
what a lovely surprise to hear from you!

virginia said...

no, not control freak...designer with a vision.