
a collection of ... things

yesterday i dropped off, among other things, a batch of summer-y colored earrings at the WALKER. (just in time for the hot summer weather!) new DRAPE earrings and THIN bracelets were in the mix.

this morning i met kelly (and her husband) for a quick hand-off of produce bags. wow - way more than i had expected which means i'm stocked-up on ribbon for a good long while. they were such a cute couple and so lovely for collecting them for me. THANK YOU!

this morning i randomly checked-in on souliyahn's little potting shed that made its way onto the house vote last april. (be sure to also check-out the design vote, the room vote, the kitchen vote & the gadget vote) i was happy to find that the thumbs-ups still out-weigh the thumbs-down.

my son has been home most of this week, meaning a lot of juggling for me, but he seems to be going through a change of some sort. isn't that what it means when they become 'fussy' -- even at three and a half? not sure if it is that his finnish-'brother' has returned home, or if he is growing, or if he is simply wanting to be home in his OWN space. but i kind of cave-in when he cries and states he wants to stay home with me instead of going to his grandparents' house. (is that mother's guilt?) he is becoming more independent and is really into making things right now. his drawing abilities have blossomed, revealing his creativity in entirely new ways. this is the mask we made yesterday. he drew it and i helped with the wear- ability-factor.


Kelly said...

i am SO happy you liked them!!!! (i was really excited because, yes, way more then even i expected).

and thank you as well, you are too generous.

paketti said...

Is the mask sad? Silo looks sad behind that mask :(. Home is good, he'll be off to school soon enough...

silvercocoon said...

he was being very serious while posing, but it is pretty safe to say that he is going through something - sad,worried,lonely - i don't know. needy is the best way i can describe it.